On Grid residential solutions can be financed at subsidized interest rates using State Banks Solar
Finance scheme. Soltech Energy facilitates its customers to avail this amazing opportunity
through our partner banks. An “On-Grid” or grid interactive solar PV system uses PV modules
and electricity grid as its sources for energy. These systems convert energy from solar PV
modules into AC power in phase with grid power, assisting grid power in running the connected
load. If the power produced is more than the connected load the excess power is fed into the
grid and sold through Net-Metering. Energy Exported to the grid is adjusted in monthly
electricity bills. On-Grid systems require no battery backup and hence are the cheapest of all
available solar systems. These systems need grid power to continue their operation and turn off
on grid failure. Even if the required load is less than the energy produced by PV modules the
system has to turn off due to safety reasons. This limitation makes “On-Grid” systems are useful
only in no-load shedding areas.